Investment Properties in HOAs

Perhaps more than any other state, Arizona is rife with homes that are located within communities governed by homeowners or community associations. There are a lot of advantages and also some disadvantages to purchasing an investment property within a community...

Get it in Writing

Arizonans love to do things the old-fashioned way. If I had a dollar for every time a client explains a deal to me by saying something to the effect of, “Well, we shook on it, so it was official,” I would be a moderately wealthy man. Verbal agreements have their place...

How do I Avoid Probate?

As an estate planning lawyer, I have the benefit of talking with hundreds of people about their hopes for the future, especially their children’s futures. In all of those conversations, I have never had a single person say, “Boy, I really hope my hard-earned assets...

The Essentials of the Most Common Business Contracts

Phocus Law attorneys Mick McGirr and Michele Leonelli presented to CO+HOOTS on a topic that is important for all business owners: contracts. We cover a variety of contract types, including operating agreements, employment agreements, non-disclosure agreements,...

Bad Boys And Burn-Offs

This article was originally published in the August, 2021 AZREIA (Arizona Real Estate Investors Association) Newsletter, available here. By: Michael J. “Mick” McGirr, Esq. Whether you are the party seeking financing for a deal or you are the party with some cash and...