2022 Engagements On The Way!

Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving week! We are hard at work preparing for the coming year and tax season and wanted to share with you all what you can expect from us here at Phocus Accounting and Tax. Monthly/Quarterly Business  Accounting and Advisory Clients For...


If you have a business formed as an LLC and have not yet updated your operating agreement, please read on for some very important information. The State of Arizona legislature passed new laws regarding the management of LLCs formed in the state. As of August 1, 2019,...

Get it in Writing

Arizonans love to do things the old-fashioned way. If I had a dollar for every time a client explains a deal to me by saying something to the effect of, “Well, we shook on it, so it was official,” I would be a moderately wealthy man. Verbal agreements have their place...

How do I Avoid Probate?

As an estate planning lawyer, I have the benefit of talking with hundreds of people about their hopes for the future, especially their children’s futures. In all of those conversations, I have never had a single person say, “Boy, I really hope my hard-earned assets...